Is there a minimum age for a dyslexia assessment?
- It is now thought to be of great importance to identify dyslexia early so that intervention can start before the age appropriate curriculum becomes too challenging. An initial telephone consultation will help clarify as to whether a full diagnostic assessment is the best way forward.
Will there be recommendations for the education at school?
- An assessment report outlines a profile of strengths and weaknesses and includes detailed recommendations for learning at school and in the home.
How long will the diagnostic assessment session last?
- Depending on the age of the person it will be between 2.5 hours and 3.5 hours. The assessor puts the well being of the child at the heart of the assessment. Short rest breaks will be built in if needed. At times it might be more appropriate to administer the assessment over two separate sessions. This could be negotiated.
How long after the assessment will it take for the report to be delivered?
- The report will be delivered within two weeks of the assessment.
Will there be an explanation about the report?
- The assessor will hold a feedback meeting to explain the reported outcome of the assessment; this can be done on the telephone or face to face at the assessor’s home address.